Emergency Dental Care Downey for Chipped or Broken Teeth

If you chip or break one of your teeth, you need to see a dentist right away. Chipped or broken teeth can happen when you take a hard fall, get hit in the face or mouth, bite down on something hard, or have an accident. It can be scary to break or chip a tooth but don't worry. Your dentist can fix your teeth with restorative procedures, no matter what caused the problem.

Emergency dental care

Here are a few ways an emergency dentist in Downey can fix broken or chipped teeth to make a person smile again.

Dental bonding

Dental bonding is one of the best ways to fix broken or chipped teeth. With proper care, the result can last up to ten years. Before putting the composite material on the tooth, the dentist will first roughen the tooth and apply a conditioning liquid to speed up the bond. The composite will then be hardened with ultraviolet light. As the composite hardens, the dentist will then shape and polish the bonding to make the tooth look natural.


With veneers, the chipped tooth is covered up. The dentist will put the veneer on the front of the tooth to make it look better and make it stronger. If you take good care of the veneer, it can last for many years. Patients can get veneers for just one tooth or for many.

A root canal treatment

If the crack goes all the way to the pulp of the tooth, the dentist may suggest a root canal. Infected pulp and nerves are removed during the process. The root canal is a good way to save a tooth that is infected or broken instead of taking it out. A crown will be put on the tooth after the procedure to protect it.

Crowns for teeth

A dental crown might be needed if a tooth is badly broken or chipped. This common way to fix a tooth involves putting a cap on it for extra protection. The crown also makes the tooth look and feel like it did before. As a covering, it lets the damaged tooth work normally and stand up to the force of chewing and biting. Porcelain is used to make dental crowns, which can be made to look like natural teeth.

Dental implants

If the crack goes below the gum line, it is no longer possible to fix the tooth. The tooth will have to be pulled out of its place. The dentist may offer options for replacement, such as a dental implant, to get the tooth back to working order. The implant acts as the root of the tooth and keeps the crown of the tooth above the gum line. It becomes a part of the jawbone and is one of the most natural-looking ways to fix a tooth.

In conclusion

If you have a broken or chipped tooth, you need to get an emergency dentist in Richmond right away. The dentist will look at the damage and figure out how to fix the teeth best. They will try to make you feel good during the whole process. At the end of the process, your smile will be better than before.

Request an appointment at our Downey, CA call Monica Puentes DDS at (562) 861-3181.




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